Social innovation projects and services for people with disabilities and those in situation of dependency
Provide the support needed by for families to improve their well-being.
Quality and innovation in our educational-care centres
Quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and well-being for their families throughout every stage of their lives.
At the People Foundation, we don’t do things for you. We do things with you
What we offer
Key service for people with disabilities and in a situation of dependency
We support and accompany people with intellectual disabilities throughout their entire life cycle, providing them with services that give them the opportunity to grow as people and bring them closer to a situation of full inclusion into society.
Inclusion in the labour market through special employment centres
As well as providing care services to people with disabilities, another key activity is labour inclusion, that we foster through our 3 Special Employment Centres, employing more than 850 people with disabilities.
Support families of people with intellectual disabilities
We offer a wide range of services to more than 3,000 families in Castile and León: training, guidance, respite, socio-cultural contents, accompaniment,…
Throughout the entire
life cycle
At the heart of the People Foundation is committed families that have helped it to become a large foundation with a number of different work centres in Castile and León, accompanying people with disabilities from early care, from 0 to 3 years old, to nursery and primary school, special employment centres and homes, offering them comprehensive accompaniment throughout their entire lives.
People Foundation News
Personal Assistance
We know how important it is to feel accompanied in such situations.
Terms dictionary
We help you understand the words and expressions that accompany us in our day-to-day lives.
special employment centre
We offer professional services by getting people in a situation of social exclusion or who are at risk of social exclusion into the world of work.
Would you like to experience the joy of helping others? Become a volunteer!
Alejandro García. (user)
The best thing about my time at The People Foundation is the friends I have made. I have met so many great people and have created so many great memories. Being part of a sports club, getting to know new places and having fun.
Felipa martín. (User)
I like living here, I’m happy. I do many things in the day care centre (handicrafts, I learn to use my mobile phone, I lend a hand at reception…) and I can also do many things that, if I didn’t attend I never would’ve learned how to do, such as going to the beach on holidays, to the theatre…I have lots of friends and have a great time.