of terms
Index of Terms
Workplace harassment
It is any behaviour that violates your dignity as a person and as a worker, and that creates an intimidating, humiliating or offensive environment for you. It includes sexual harassment in the workplace. Sometimes the word “mobbing” is used.
Workplace harassment (easy reading)
Workplace harassment is a type of occupational violence.
When a person or group of people
does or says things to make another worker feel bad.
For example: spreading rumours,
insulting, making threats or giving the person more work than they are able to do.
Workplace harassment is also called mobbing,
in English.
Workplace harassment is a type of occupational violence. When a person or group of people do or say things to make a worker feel bad. For example: spreading rumours, insulting, making threats or giving the person more work than they are able to do. Workplace harassment is also called mobbing in English.
Early care
Early care is the set of interventions aimed at children aged 0 to 6, their family and the environment, with a view to responding as soon as possible to the transitory and ongoing needs of children with developmental disorders or at risk of suffering them. These interventions look at the child’s overall situation and are drawn up by a team of professionals with an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach in mind.
The main objective of Early Care is to prevent issues further down the line and to maximise the child’s developmental capacities, fostering the child’s personal autonomy and inclusion in the family, school and social environment as much as possible.
Early Care (easy reading)
It is a service for children from 0 to 6.
This service gives children the chance to be as autonomous as possible
and to develop in the best possible way.
Some of the things that are worked on are
communication and relationships with other people
and movement.
This department is made up of different professionals such as
such as speech therapists, physiotherapists or psychologists
to respond to all of the child’s needs.
Special Employment Centre
A Special Employment Centre (CEE) was created by the LISMIto foster the labour and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Unlike other companies, its workforce is made up of at least 70% of people with some type of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
The aim is to do productive work by participating regularly in market operations and to secure paid employment while providing the personal and social adjustment services that these types of workers need.
People receive all kinds of support to help them smoothly adapt to the workplace and make their day-to-day life as normal as possible.
2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is a United Nations international human rights instrument or international human rights law that strives to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the Convention have an obligation to foster, protect and ensure the full protection of human rights by persons with disabilities and to ensure that they are seen as equals before the law.
Ever since the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in 2006 to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015, the United Nations has been working tirelessly to ensure that one billion people with disabilities all over the world enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), disability is a complex phenomenon that reflects a close and borderline relationship between the characteristics of human beings and the characteristics of the environment he/she lives in. It is a broad term that contains and encompasses impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions.
- Physical or motor disability.
- Sensory disability.
- Intellectual disability.
Intellectual disability
Intellectual disability implies a number of limitations in the skills that the person learns to function in day-to-day life that allow him/her to respond to different situations and places.
- It therefore depends on the person him/herself as well as the barriers or obstacles he/she faces. People with intellectual disabilities face greater challenges than others when it comes to learning, understanding and communicating.
- Intellectual disability is usually permanent, in other words, lifelong, and has a significant impact on the life of the person and his/her family.
- There are many different types and causes of intellectual disability. Some develop before a baby is born, some during childbirth and some as a result of serious illness in infancy. But always before the age of 18.
- There are people with severe and multiple disabilities (very significant limitations and the presence of more than one disability) who need round the clock support in many aspects of their lives: eating, drinking, grooming, combing their hair, getting dressed, among others. Nevertheless, a significant number of people with intellectual disabilities are rather autonomous and do not need much support to lead a normal life.
- Developmental disabilities, those that are identified in the first 18 years of a person’s life, encompass a wide range of conditions such as intellectual disability itself, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), cerebral palsy, and other conditions closely related to intellectual disability. They are limited when it comes to language, mobility, learning, self-care and independent living.
When referring to intellectual disability, the emphasis should be on the SUPPORTS that the person requires to lead a full life, of quality, in relation to his/her environment and adjusted to his/her own individual life plan, rather than on the limitations themselves. These supports are the specific resources and strategies to help the person reach as high a level of well-being as possible. Based on the time required for support, they are classified as intermittent, limited, extensive and generalised.
To treat differently or to differentiate when there are no important differences between people or situations, as well as to treat situations that are in fact different in the same way”.
Employment with Support
Supported employment shall be understood to be the set of individualised guidance and accompaniment actions in the workplace, provided by specialised job coaches, with a view to facilitating the social and labour adaptation of disabled workers with special difficulties of labour integration, in companies in the ordinary labour market and under similar conditions to the rest of the workers who perform equivalent jobs.
Sheltered workshop
A sheltered workshop shall be understood to be the contract between a company in the ordinary market, named as a collaborating company, and a Special Employment Centre to perform works or provide services that are directly related to the normal activity of the latter and by which a group of disabled workers from the latter temporarily move to the collaborating company’s work centre.
It consists of the defending equal conditions with regard to accessing and enjoying all goods, services and rights.
“Any discrimination on any ground whatsoever such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited” [Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, year 2000]
“Protection against direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion, belief, disability, age or sexual orientation” [Art 27. Law 62/2003 of 30 December 2003 on fiscal, administrative and social measures]
With a view to achieving equal treatment, barriers (physical, social prejudices, etc.) must be broken down, and to this end, certain actions are necessary to place people with disabilities on an equal footing with the rest of society.
Social equality
It is the characteristic of those states in which all individuals or citizens, without exception, have all their human rights protected, primarily civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights1 necessary to achieve true social justice.
Social equality implies recognising equality before the law, equality of opportunity as well as equality of civil, political, economic and social outcomes.
Social inclusion
Social inclusion is the process of improving the ability, opportunity and dignity of people who are disadvantaged due to their identity, with a view to participate in society just like anyone else.
Social inclusion ensures that those at risk of poverty and exclusion are given the basic opportunities and resources to play an equal role in economic, social and cultural life. Therefore, labour inclusion is part of the journey towards social integration.
Social integration
Social integration is the process during which immigrants or minorities are incorporated into the social structure of the host society. Along with economic integration and identity integration, social integration is one of the three key dimensions of the experiences of immigrants in the receiving society.
A higher degree of social integration contributes to reducing the social distance between groups and more consistent values and practices. Another one of its great contributions and aspirations is to bring different ethnic groups irrespective of language, caste, religious belief together, without losing their identity, as well as to open up all areas of community life and, ultimately, to get rid of segregation.
Labour Insertion Pathways
Methodology based on drawing up an integral strategy that analyses the situation of each and every person with intellectual disabilities and their employment opportunities in their local environment, where an action framework is designed to achieve an end goal; insertion into the labour market.
LGD is the abbreviation for the General Law on Disability (formerly known as the LISMI)
The General Law on Disability
The General Law on Disability (formerly the LISMI – Law on the Social Integration of the Disabled) sets forth that all Spanish public and private companies with a workforce (total number of employees regardless of the type of contract) of 50 or more must employ 2% of their workforce as people with a disability equal to or greater than 33%. This law strives, among other objectives, to foster and encourage the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market.
Origin of the LISMI
Sustainable Development Goals #(SDGs)
There is aglobal agenda, set by the United Nations in September 2015 and implemented since 2016, which is becoming increasingly relevant for countries, their governments, regional organisations such as the European Union, not to mention businesses and civil society organisations around the world: the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
An opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new journey to improve the lives of all, making sure no one is left behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, ranging from eliminating poverty to combating climate change, education, women’s equality, environmental protection and how our cities are designed.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people around the world. In 2015, all UN Member States adopted 17 Goals as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which sets out a plan to achieve the Goals within the next 15 years.
Disability is also included in the 2030 agenda. In other words, disability, as well as being a human rights issue as set forth in the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, is an issue that is integrated into the path towards sustainable development, thanks to the work of the international disability alliance. The 2030 Agenda sets out 17 goals and 169 targets, 24 of which refer to disabilities
Transition to Adulthood (TVA)
The primary objective is to foster the growth and integral development of students through improving their physical, social, emotional and intellectual capacities, in accordance with the pedagogical principles of individualisation, learning to learn, socialisation and inclusion.