First meeting attended by more than 100 People Foundation professionals, accompanied by the General Director of Family and Social Policies, Pablo Rodríguez, the President of the People Foundation Manuel Fernández as well as the General Director Jesús Mazariegos, not to mention the foundation’s delegates.
5 projects were presented: “Technological adaptations” “Feely Box” “Connection to the world” “Representation of PCDIs” and “Integral Service” presented by professionals from all the People Foundation delegates.
The winning project was “Caja para Sentir” presented by Mª Pilar García, Marta Madroño and Mariví Martín.
All the projects were of the highest standard have done their bit to add knowledge with a view to recognising innovation, encouraging teamwork and shining a light on the quality work carried out by the People Foundation’s professionals, to ensure that the best level of care is always offered to each and every person with an intellectual disability as well as their families. Throughout the morning the “Health Protocol Guide” developed in Valladolid was presented to exchange experiences in the field of direct care.
The event finished off with a talk by Jesús Sanz, specialist in practical solutions in the care of elderly and dependent people. Manuel Fernández highlighted the key role played by professionals in the quality of care provided to our children and the President showed his support and admiration for the transformative work being carried out by the People Foundation day after day. Jesús Mazariegos finished things off by committing to disseminate the implementation of the winning project and start planning the second edition to be held next year throughout the entire scope of the People Foundation.
Technological Adaptations with Makey Makey
We can influence the inclusion and autonomy of the people being cared for and give them training on how to manage new technologies, building low-cost tools that can adapt to their specific needs: (i) training in basic concepts, (ii) adaptable resources, boosting creativity and fostering leisure, (iii) adaptation for systems management. (Zamora, Guardo and Segovia). Authors: Manuel Viñas, Asunción Izquierdo, Luis Jesús Cordero, Miguel Angel Carrasco and Rubén Bobo.
Feely Box
Support tools and strategies to foster emotional intelligence in people with intellectual disabilities (PCDI) or dependents. Help them deal with, understand and channel the basic emotional experiences – pain, love, uncertainty… – inherent to people, with a view to transforming them into positive life changes and improve coexistence with others. (Valladolid, Segovia and Zamora). Authors: Mª Pilar García, Marta Madroño and Mariví Martín.
Connection to the World
We make it easier for PWDs looked after in homes or other centres to access the “digital world” and learn to communicate with society as a whole. Let’s break down barriers in communication and knowledge. Let’s commit to equal opportunities in the field of technology too, bridging the digital divide. (Aguilar de Campoo, Zamora, Guardo and Segovia). Authors: Jose Ignacio Matesanz, Jose Mª Iglesias, Inmaculada González, Yolanda Sanz and Miguel Angel Carrasco.
Implantation of the representation process
To encourage PWDs to actively and efficiently participate in the organisations, to achieve the highest level of equal opportunities with a view to exercising their individual and collective rights. Taking as a point of reference, the conclusions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), among others. (Palencia, Segovia and Zamora). Authors: Amelia de Miguel, Rubén Bobo and Luís Jesús Cordero.
Integral service
Aimed at the “elderly of today” but also those who will become elderly “in the coming years”. In some aspects, PWDs age differently from the rest of the population, so this project looks at individualised care work for each of them: (i) support at home, (ii) independent living project, (ii) ageing support guides: How do I want to age? How should I support you in old age? (Valladolid, Segovia and Palencia). Authors: Susana Mena, Fátima Silvia, Pilar Martín, José Luis Galán and Mª Carmen Martínez.
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