I Meeting of Self-Managers of The People Foundation


I The People Foundation Self-Managers Meeting
“Progressing one step at a time”

Held in Segovia

Among its objectives the following stand out:

  • It fosters the active participation of people with intellectual diversity in decision making with a view to improving their self-management in their day-to-day lives.
  • Healthy eating advice.
  • Abuse prevention guidelines.
  • Tools to foster values of respect and community life.

The stars of the show were more than 60 self-managers and citizens from Segovia, Guardo, Aguilar de Campoo, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora.

Javier García Medina, Head of the Human Rights Observatory of the University of Valladolid, chaired a wonderful and participatory conference on “Self-management and participation”  and afterwards workshops were held on Nutrition, Independent Living and Preventing Abuse.

It wrapped up by highlighting the progressive awareness of a good diet and exercise, as well as following hygiene measures and finding emotional balance. On abuse prevention, they said that “we don’t like to be judged and disrespected; what we do like is kindness and politeness”. The decision-making and independent living valued the support from families and professionals, as well as the importance of knowing ourselves, our abilities and limitations with a view to making the right decisions with as much information as possible.

The closing ceremony was led by mayor of La Lastrilla Mr. Vicente Calle, the regional manager of Social Services in Segovia and Ms. Carmen Well, councillor for Social Services of Segovia, Mr. Andrés Torquemada the president of APADEFIM and secretary of the People Foundation Mr. Maximino Viloria.

The event concluded with a traditional Segovian meal and a dramatised visit to the city’s Aqueduct and the Jewish quarter.


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